No, You Don’t Need to Do These 6 Things Once You Get Out of Lockdown

out of lockdown

As New South Wales makes the transition into life after lockdown, and Victoria follows in our footsteps, there seems to only be one thing on everyone’s mind: “When can I get my hair done?”

While this is an exciting time filled with change, not only mentally, but physically, it can also come with a lot of pressure. Pressure to look a certain way as you re-emerge from lockdown. Pressure to change your appearance. The endless talk of getting your nails fixed, applying for a gym membership, getting your eyelashes tinted or your roots done can easily leave you feeling as if you are not already whole as you are.

Of course it’s exciting getting your roots lifted and your split ends cut off, but you can still go out and own yourself whether you have a hairdressing appointment or not. If you – like me – are stuck on a month-long-waitlist for various appointments, or haven’t got around to booking one at all, never fear! The new trend in life after lockdown is owning your truest self.

You have just gotten through a lockdown!! There’s no need to change anything about yourself because that’s pretty badass as it is.

So, here are 6 things that you DON’T need to do immediately once you get out of lockdown.

You Don’t Need To… Buy New Activewear

There’s no need to spend loads of money on refreshing your wardrobe after lockdown. I won’t lie to you, I love a new gym outfit to refresh my motivation, but it can’t be the only reason to get out walking.

If your activewear is worn out after living in it 24/7 during lockdown, then invest in some quality gear you know will last and you will love for a long time, but remember it’s that euphoric feeling you get after being active that should help motivate you to go for that walk or get to that Pilates class.

You Don’t Need To… Get Your Hair Done

News flash: greys are in! And grown out hair with your natural roots showing is just a ‘lockdown-life’ version of the ombre trend. It’s called Grombre and it’s totally a thing.

No need to fret if you can’t get an appointment with your hairdresser till Christmas. We’re all in the same boat and no one is going to judge you. Instead, be proud that you got through a worldwide pandemic and own those roots gal! They’re a symbol of resilience!

You Don’t Need To… Sign Up to a Gym

The pressure to get a ‘bikini body’ is officially out the window. Every body is a bikini body. After months of only being in the company of ourselves whilst being stuck inside, we may have become a little overcritical of our looks and our body. This doesn’t mean you need to change yourself… it’s all about how we FEEL.

If working out makes you feel good about yourself and gives you an extra boost of confidence, then get outside and train your ass off!! But don’t try and change your body to adhere to an external pressure of looking a certain way, because the truth is, you will never feel like you have met this expectation.

You Don’t Need To… Take On An Unsustainable Fitness Challenge

A trend that’s been sweeping social media is the 75 Hard Challenge. Though this may work for some who love a tough challenge, it can be quite an unsustainable route to getting ‘fit and healthy’ after months of lying on the couch. In this tumultuous time of change it can also be mentally draining and hard on your body. Instead, find what works for you and stick to it. This could be a brisk walk every morning or yoga a few times a week. Because training for 3 days a week for life is better than training hard every day for 2 weeks and burning out.

You Don’t Need To… Start Dieting

At the moment social media is completely oversaturated with ways to get thinner for summer. This encompasses a huge number of diets that various influencers are recommending you follow.

Of course, everyone wants to feel and look their best as we start socialising again. However this diet culture that is arguably more prominent than ever, can have hugely negative effects on peoples’ mental health. Eat how you wish in a way that energises your body and makes you feel good. Food is fuel. And be a little easier on yourself. This is a tough time we are all going through, and if you want to eat that brownie, eat that god-damn brownie.  

You Don’t Need To… Over-Socialise

For many of us the thought of socialising after lockdown can induce feelings of stress and anxiety. Do whatever is best for you, because at the end of the day, nobody knows you better than yourself. I know personally my social battery starts to drain much quicker now than it ever used to, so I’m being aware of this. Taking time for yourself is more important than ever before!

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